
About me

 My name is Philip R Atienza. I was born and raised in the Philippines. On November 15, 2002, I went to Las Vegas, Nevada. After working in a casino and different other jobs, I decided to learn massage and be a massage therapist. I graduated on December 2012 with 4.0 GPA from NorthWest Career College and received my massage license on February 2013.  Phil Good Massage Therapy was created on July 2013 and its intention was to be of excellent service all over the world. December 2014 , I decided to learn Thai massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand. There I met my girlfriend who happens to be from the Netherlands. Two years later I moved here and started Phil Good Massage Therapy in Zaandam. 


I am hoping to be of service to all.


Phil Good Massage Therapy 



1. Kan de bloeddruk helpen te verlagen.

2. bevorderd de ontspanning van de spieren en  beweging.

3. kan helpen uw houding te verbeteren.

4. het helpt mee met het versterken van het immuunsysteem.

5. het kan helpen bij gewichtsverlies en het verlagen van het stresshormoon cortisol.

6. vermindert angst.

7. helpt om beter te slapen.

8. helpt bij verminderen van rugpijn.

9. helpt je humeur te verbeteren.

10. helpt het verlagen van spanning hoofdpijn.

Why get a massage?

With our fast changing world, we are bombarded with terrible news, pressure to keep up with our responsibilities at work and at home, crazy drivers cutting us on the road, dispute with co-workers, friends and family, etc...all these triggers STRESS.   If we are on constant Stress, we cannot Heal.  Our immune system shots down. We are ON "survival" mode.  Prolonged exposure to Stress leads to burn out, depression,  disease, etc...unhappy life.  Massage can help reverse the harmful effects of  prolonged Stress. 

Massage done correctly will increase blood circulation, increase the production of good hormones (feel good hormones),  and release the blockages of energy.  Massage  can replace the feelings of FEAR (fight or flight) to CONFIDENCE and JOY.   


Phil Good Massage Therapy, for a better, happier life.

